Sunday, November 1, 2009

360 Degrees: Leadership

Why does there need to be a leader? I believe that leadership is an important quality because they can guide others and be a role model. What makes leadership such an important quality? What is important in a leader? Can anyone be a leader? What determines who is a leader and what they are made up of? Why do we need leaders? In my opinion, we need leaders for society to function and work the way it does. There are always going to be the people who take action and those who are quiet and reserved. Leaders can help others find the middle ground by helping people take action and become involved. How can everyone be a leader? This is virtually impossible. If everyone is a leader, then who would be a follower? If everyone leads, then there would be too many clashes within and this would create a dysfunctional society. This can really be a dialectic between leaders and followers, but I'll continue asking questions to get the 360 degree view. Leaders need to be responsible, engaging, and should care. This list could really go on forever, but nobody wants to hear that. Why does society see leadership as an important feature? When and why does a leader go too far? I think this is when the power goes to their head and they get caught up in it. They stop caring about others and don't work to make things better. What happens when a leader goes to far? How can this be prevented? Why is it important to be a leader? How can someone find the middle ground between leadership and following? Should they?

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