Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blogging Around Again

Alex's Dialectics: Ignorance and Bliss
Alex's post was about how ignorance is bliss. However, having knowledge is better. It talks about the importance of having knowledge, as well as your happiness is what you can make with it. It was interesting to read about the knowledge part because I never thought of that angle before. My comment follows:

I'm actually really fond of this post. I definitely agree that ignorance is bliss. Because really, if you aren't facing reality then what worries could you possibly have? If you don't know terrible things are happening, then you won't be affected emotionally and you'll remain in bliss.

But I also agree when you say you'll end up lonely and bored. Who would want to talk to you if you won't bother to listen? Knowledge truly is better because then you can form your own opinion and make what you will with that. Once you learn from other people and become less ignorant by informing yourself, you can be happier because then you'll be more confident in what you know. After the last STAND meeting, we hung around and Mr. Whipple said something along the lines of, 'Stupid people are happy as long as they don't know they are stupid.' (Or something very similar to that at the least.) And it's so true. But, having information available to you and turning that into knowledge gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Having information taken away though, must make people miserable because they won't be ignorant. They'll know there's something else out there that they can't grasp, which will make them explore something they may never get again. You can't take away knowledge, but you can take away information which allows you to gain knowledge, which can take away a feeling of happiness from someone.

Pat's Connection: King Lear and the Berlin Wall
Pat connects King Lear and the effects and fall of the Berlin Wall based on a New York Times article. He makes valid connections and I especially like how he talks about what Shakespeare did well and what he didn't do at all. It gives a fuller view with more perspectives, making it more interesting to read. My comment follows:

You're connections are really interesting and I never would've thought of it this way until reading your post. I definitely agree that you although everyone is affected in both cases, you can't see what exactly happens. The division between Goneril and Regan led to many deaths and a greater tragic affect in Lear. The Berlin Wall affected the lives of those who couldn't see their family on the other side. I like the connections you point out. However, there's one I thought I might add. Your first connection points out Regan and Goneril are horrible and are abusers of power. I think Cordelia can be thrown in there because in King Lear she is the loving one, the good daughter. In the real world, a unified Germany was better, because it united people and brought more peace and conflict resolution.

Monday, November 16, 2009

iMedia: Jaywalking

"Americans are NOT stupid" (below)

**Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, I don't own any of this material.

As hilarious as this all is, it shows how sad reality is. I'm not going to lie and say it's not funny at all, because I can't deny that I find it quite entertaining. However, this illustrates a serious problem in our society. Do people really not know these basic facts? I'm sure some are just trying to be funny, but really, most of these people don't know this information? How does this reflect on our society? As much as I love this, it's really pathetic to watch. I know these people must have learned this sometime in their youth, because it's mostly required in curriculum. It reflects on the education system because people just learn to pass tests and then they forget the facts. I'm guilty of this too, but seeing this makes me realize more and more that we should care about learning so we don't end up being ridiculously unintelligent when we are older. The even sadder part here is that not only do the people not know about history or current events, they don't even know about pop culture. We're notorious for reading tabloids and watching t.v., but apparently nobody learned even from that. The guy wearing the shirt didn't even know what it said. I know that these people may be the exception to the rule, but do we want to end up like that? I certainly don't. We should take this and learn that education and information is valuable and if we don't want to be ridiculed, we should care about it more.

In the "Americans are NOT stupid" video, it comes to show how we are viewed in the world. And to think these people can vote for role models and leaders? What will happen to us when uneducated people take part in current events and politics? Even a slight amount of uneducated individuals bring down the community. It makes our culture look so bad, and causes people throughout the world to think we aren't capable of anything. But if this is what they see about our culture, can we blame them? That's not for me to judge, but what we can and should do to change this is by educating ourselves. People should rather make a conscious effort to better themselves, because not only will they learn something they will carry forward in their lives, but they will feel better and have better esteem knowing that they are smart and are capable. From this media connection, we should just think twice before disregarding events and history, and other knowledge, because who wants to end up being mocked like this?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Connection: King Lear and Richard III

Richard III and King Lear both relate because they have a character that goes against the natural boundaries. Richard relates to Edmund because both are trying to disrupt social order to be higher up on the hierarchy and to have more power. They are using Renaissance values to be more important individuals compared to their surrounding medieval characters. I think this is really important to understand because it shows how Shakespeare connects characters from two different plays and ties them together with their same values. Both cause physical harm to others. Richard III kills pretty much everyone in the royal family, while Edmund gets Edward banished and eventually lends a major part in Cornwall taking out Gloucester's eyes.

Both characters have to overcome their hardships to come out on top. Edmund is the illegitimate son of Gloucester, which he has to overcome by plotting and scheming. Once he gets Edward out of the picture and into disguise, he is able to be to 'good son.' This especially works since he convinced Gloucester that Edward wanted to kill him. Richard III only had one 'usable hand' in the play. He had to overcome his physical complications and the way people looked at him in order to gain power. I think the complications really shows how the two characters inform each other and the audience/readers because it can open up a new idea. It can cause one to think whether the complications caused them to perform the actions they did to become powerful, or whether they performed the actions in order to overcome their complications. In both though, power is key. It's important to understand this because power was a major motivation and it shows throughout the play what the hunt for more power does to a character and how their morals disintegrate. Therefore, even though Richard III and Edmund are from different plays, they both reinforce the conflict in their power struggle, while comparing their new ideas and way of thought to those around them.

They both inform beyond the obvious so that readers can question what leads to what and they can better understand Shakespeare's style and question his motives for the plots. I find this to be relevant because it makes his works more enjoyable to read because I can understand his style and what goes on, it allows me to make connections, and it resonates with other literature and plays.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

360 Degrees: Leadership

Why does there need to be a leader? I believe that leadership is an important quality because they can guide others and be a role model. What makes leadership such an important quality? What is important in a leader? Can anyone be a leader? What determines who is a leader and what they are made up of? Why do we need leaders? In my opinion, we need leaders for society to function and work the way it does. There are always going to be the people who take action and those who are quiet and reserved. Leaders can help others find the middle ground by helping people take action and become involved. How can everyone be a leader? This is virtually impossible. If everyone is a leader, then who would be a follower? If everyone leads, then there would be too many clashes within and this would create a dysfunctional society. This can really be a dialectic between leaders and followers, but I'll continue asking questions to get the 360 degree view. Leaders need to be responsible, engaging, and should care. This list could really go on forever, but nobody wants to hear that. Why does society see leadership as an important feature? When and why does a leader go too far? I think this is when the power goes to their head and they get caught up in it. They stop caring about others and don't work to make things better. What happens when a leader goes to far? How can this be prevented? Why is it important to be a leader? How can someone find the middle ground between leadership and following? Should they?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Metacognition: The Kite Runner Essay

While working on The Kite Runner essay, a specific type of thinking that helped me create my essay was resonance. I first let my pen flow and brainstormed several thesis ideas and expanded on a few with thoughts that burst into my head. After a day or two, I looked back at my list and tried to see what I could find more levels with, what I could prove well, and what interested me. I finally lowered my list down to my final thesis, which was saying that Amir can only gain closure with Hassan through Sohrab. This required me to make several connections and use resonance to relate the scenes. By doing so, I was able to see how my evidence and connections came to life and really did make sense. I think this was an effective method for me. By writing down all the ideas and possible evidence that jumped right out at me while brainstorming, I was able to see what would work right off the bat. Then, by waiting, I was able to get a fresher perspective, so in reality, whatever theses that may have been awkward, I was able to realize that and eliminate them. This really helped me find the best thesis I came up with and one that I cared to write about.

I was really surprised that I was able to make deep and valid connections, and that I didn't have to rewrite my plan, because for once it all just clicked and made sense. It made me feel more confident since what I connected within the text really worked, and that I knew exactly what I was doing. I realized that I am better at understanding what goes on in books than I thought I was. I liked that my evidence proved my point, in both simple and obvious ways, but then I drew in on them to make it deep and worthwhile. I found that my writing can make an impact and I am able to prove a valid point. One thing I would like to work better on in is writing openers that are catchy and not just boring.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blogging Around

Taylor's Connection: The Kite Runner and Mean Girls
From what I read, I found the point of Taylor's blog entry was to show continuities in human thinking by connecting The Kite Runner with Mean Girls showing that time, location, and culture have no bearing, and that there remains a divide in society because of the brain's tendency to "chunk" information.

This was really a great blog post! Mean Girls being one of my favorite movies, I found it really interesting to see you make valid connections between it and The Kite Runner, and you explained them in depth too. I especially like how you connect it to the real, modern world in the end through your connections. As bad as the truth may be, I agree with you that there will always be people who will make the division continue.

Sam's Best of Week: Nature vs. Nurture
Sam's main focus was that we shouldn't judge someone because their culture and the way they were raised, what they were raised to believe (nurture) shapes them, and they might not know much better (although it certainly doesn't make what they do okay). She then draws on bettering oneself by judging their actions rather than judging others.

This is a great insight that you brought up. I definitely agree with your point that we should judge our own actions rather than judging others. You really took nature vs. nurture to another level; from Assef being a bully, to a circular character, and reflection in your own life. As horrible as his actions were, Nature vs. Nurture definitely shows that you shouldn't judge someone because it might not be their fault. If more people see this and try to better themselves, then that's really the only way to move forward in the world.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Connection: The Kite Runner and Harry Potter

When you first hear Harry Potter and The Kite Runner, you must be thinking,"How in the world are these two related?" One's about Harry saving the wizarding world (my five word summary definitely doesn't give enough credit to the well crafting of the book) while the other's about Amir trying to get redemption and closure for his actions, or lack of. However, if you look close enough, there is a definite connection and relation between the two due to their characters.

The relation between Assef and Voldemort is rather clear-cut. They are both the villains of the novels. But it goes beyond that in their 'structure of evilness.' Voldemort uses both fear as well as gain to attract his followers, or Death Eaters. They fear that if they don't join him, bad things will happen to them or they will be killed. He also promises them that if they join him, when evil triumphs, they will be honored in society. Assef uses similar tactics. Wali and Kamal are afraid that it they don't follow Assef's orders, they will end up in trouble next. This is demonstrated in the rape scene when they think it's wrong to rape Hassan, yet Assef convinces, or forces, them to hold Hassan down. They do so because it's rather Hassan than themselves. Also, Assef uses personal gain to convince Wali and Kamal, just like Voldemort. Since he's a Pashtun and in the higher social class, Wali and Kamal follow so they can also be looked upon, whereas if they were 'defending' or even 'friends' with a Hazara, they would be spat upon in their society. Both characters, Voldemort and Assef, should inform each other by showing that ruthless leaders don't always tell the truth to get to their position. Peter Pettigrew had to sacrifice himself after he transfigured back into a human to make up for lost years with Voldemort. But in the end, the good side triumphed anyway. Kamal experienced a similar case because was raped and killed too, showing that evil isn't the right way. And Sohrab shot Assef with a slingshot in the eye, so it shows that he was toppled, just like Voldemort.

Draco Malfoy/Amir
Malfoy and Amir have a more complicated relation. What is the balance of good and evil in each of the characters? Malfoy was supposed to kill Dumbledore according to Voldemort's plan, but he couldn't because he didn't have the guts to commit such a horrible crime. However, he didn't do anything to stop Snape from killing Dumbledore because he was too afraid of what would happen to him. This was a similar case for Amir. He didn't actually rape Hassan, but he didn't do anything to help or stop it either. In addition, both set up the scenarios for the crime to take place. Malfoy protracted (vocab word!) Dumbledore's stay in the Astronomy Tower, and this bought time for the Death Eaters to arrive. In the same way, Amir set up Hassan because he had to be rescued by Hassan, which built up tension between the two sides. In the end, because Assef couldn't do anything to Amir, he did it to Hassan instead, as a reaction to what he felt about Amir and his hatred. The two characters can learn to balance their actions with their environments, which can lead to a better outcome, with a more positive effect. They should inform that one's actions do play a large role, and that one should think before they act, so a drastic change doesn't negatively affect the lives of those around them.

'Good Wizard'/Hassan
One problem with Hassan's relation to a Harry Potter character is how they are viewed. I began typing Harry, but realized that Harry is looked up to as a hero, while people in Afghan societies would've looked down on Hassan according to the novel. He could be Harry in the sense that he keeps on saving Amir and getting him out of trouble, but I didn't think this covered all sides of the relation. So I tried to connect him to Ron next. Unfortunately, the problem here was that Ron and Harry are best friends, and I didn't see Amir as the benevolent/rescuer from the Dark Wizards sort of character. So I guess if anything Hassan would be like Neville Longbottom (except that minor detail that Hassan isn't clumsy). He always has his friends' backs in the end, just like Neville, who although couldn't execute everything perfectly, he worked hard, and came through for his friends. Then I say an even better relation between the characters. Neville could've been the chosen one. Hassan could've been the 'chosen one' too. Neville could've grown to save the wizarding world and be the hero in the end. Just like Hassan. He was also Baba's son, so he could've been the perfect son in all the ways he is, as well as being 'socially correct' too, for lack of a better term. This insight is quite important because it shows that there are deeper connections beyond the obvious that I learned through digging around a little, as well as you may not look to be the obvious choice or talented one, but inside everyone, there is something that is worth a whole lot more. There's always a star-like quality, even though you may not be the prized possession or main hero.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Best of Week: The Kite Runner 9/14-9/18

Culture in The Kite Runner
In my opinion, one of the most important things we talked about this week is about the culture that is shown in the book. For example on page 38 it says, "Years later, I learned an English word for the creature that Assef was, a word for which a good Farsi equivalent does not exist: 'sociopath.'" I believe this quote tells a lot about the culture, by showing that there isn't an equivalent and that such a thing doesn't exist in their culture. Does this mean that such a drastic condition for a person doesn't exist? Is Amir over-emphasizing the use of the word sociopath? This also shows the power of words, which relates to my last post about Hassan learning new words and working hard to better understand the culture through reading.

Another instance when culture plays a large role is when General Taheri throws out Amir's story. It's important that Amir didn't say anything or pick up the story in his presence because in this culture, more so than others, respecting elders is so important, and Amir realized it was important to respect Soraya's dad. If he didn't then he probably wouldn't have gotten Soraya's hand in marriage when he asked for it from the General. This also demonstrates the connection between micro and macro, because it shows how Hosseini put these micro characters into the macro-ness of the world if you will, and then moved them to a new setting. Yet, the macro-ness of their culture affected their lives so much, that they integrated it into their new surroundings. Although it may have be a micro part compared to the larger surroundings and American culture they were surrounded by, it was a large part of their daily life, which shows how culture was practiced, especially when they live in an Afghan community in America.

Finally, culture is shown as a struggle throughout the novel in Hassan and Amir's friendship. There is such a large gap between Hazaras and Pashtuns that Amir can't make up his mind whether or not they are friends. It shows that there is a large cultural division between the two groups and how that plays into their daily lives. It shows how the two groups cannot quite be seen in public, which Assef makes very clear. Culture therefore, plays an important role throughout The Kite Runner in various ways.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Carry It Forward: The Kite Runner

"Just because something is hard, doesn't mean you shouldn't try; It just means you should try harder."

While reading The Kite Runner, a I noticed a constant theme about irony and curiosity. Through Hassan's actions, I learned about not giving up and working hard, which is a theme I will carry forward. Hassan is illiterate but he constantly shows a growing interest in Amir's stories. He continuously asks questions and tries to comprehend new words in order to expand his vocabulary. Hassan doesn't give up on the stories just because he might not know a word, in fact, that pushes him and gives him the drive to learn what it means. For example, on page 28, it says, "But despite his illiteracy, or maybe because of it, Hassan was drawn to the mystery of words, seduced by a secret world forbidden to him." This shows that Hassan wanted to better himself by learning more and becoming a more knowledgeable being. Later in the passage, it explains how Hassan was able to solve the riddles more quickly than Amir. This shows that even if you have everything handed to you, you might not be right. Hassan wants to learn because he is so curious to see what he is missing out on. He makes a conscious effort to learn, whereas Amir just tries to trick Hassan. Amir isn't working hard to learn, he just wants to make Hassan feel inferior.

This is also shown through irony. Hassan's curiosity after reading Amir's story. On page 34, it says, "It appeared that on the same night I had learned about one of writing's objectives, irony, I would also be introduced to one of its pitfalls: the Plot Hole. Taught by Hassan, of all people....illiterate Hazara?" His innocence and curiosity allowed him to teach Amir something important every writer should know, even though Amir thought Hassan was being rude since he learned something from an uneducated servant. If Amir doesn't learn these skills and try to improve his writing, he can't get better, and that's because he isn't working towards it. Through curiosity, Hassan wanted to learn more. He worked hard to learn more, which I think is definitely an important topic to carry forward. By working hard, you can improve your skills and get new talents. This can allow you to become better at things you want to improve in. If Hassan gave up on stories because he couldn't read, he would lose his creativity and problem-solving skills. But because his curiosity allowed him to want to know more, he learned more words and life lessons through the tales. This shows the benefits of working hard, because if you give up, you can never become better.
If you constantly work hard and put in effort, you will have a better shot at achieving your goals and will learn more through your experiences, even if you aren't successful every time.

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